miércoles, 13 de abril de 2022



I only been  to two concerts in my life —I would like go to more but before I was very younger for my parents and now its difficult for the situation covid-19—. One of Pedropiedra in 2016 and other of Ases falsos in 2019. The date of second concert was 13/12/2019 in theatre caupolican  ubicated in Santiafo centre. This show is a great and amazing memorie of my life because this band was one of my favorites at this time —not now—.

In the show, I saw a lot of people dancing, singing and jumping—inclusive screaming of happiness or nervous. In my case, I was expectant for the event—. For me, was wonderful saw many people enjoying the music with friends or alone, in silence and quiet or smiling and cuddling the next person. 

Also, I felt many satisfaction because I have a camera, so I might record the show. Other thing that I remeber is that my mom purchased a disc ("el hombre puede") for give me a present for my birthday (january 13). And Some days after, one friend called Francisca —also like gift for my birthday— bought something in the store of the drummer of the band for that I meet and talk to him... was a great present.

6 comentarios:

  1. i would have loved to go to a concert of ases falsos</3 i'm so glad you could go!! greets:)

  2. great!!! Hopefully you will be able to go to more concerts when the pandemic is over.

  3. Hi!! Like you, I have not been to many concerts in my life, and I felt very identified with the sensations that you describe that you felt at the concert. I hope you can go to many concerts!! :)))

  4. I think that is amazing! I´ve never been in a concert, but i hope go to one. ;(

  5. How incredible that Constance experience sounds!!! I hope you can have as much fun as that time, greetings <3

  6. Hi, what a great gift from your friend, must have felt great


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