martes, 31 de mayo de 2022

changes for psychology programme

I think that the subjects of the carrer are quite consistent and interesting to have basic knowledge to be a professional ofpsychology, but there is a lack of subjects to specialize deeply in clinical or juridical or occupational... although the idea of ​​the university of chile is that you can work in any of areas of psychology.

Now that we are with face to face classes, the work and contents are more manageable and easier to understand , so the way of working is good, but sometimes very overloaded, the compulsory material is very extensive and heavy. In short, I could say that the priority should be face-to-face classes, with explanatory and didactic methods that allow students to have confidence in their learning process, to ask questions and work individually and in groups. In addition, a part of the teachers are very concerned about what they teach, teaching people to develop their learning is important in the classes. 

Since the pandemic (and before), technology has become in a good agent(if all resources are available) for education and other aspects of society. Materials and important information are made available on the university's platforms, there are also student information channels, so the connection is much more efficient and practical between the entire educational community. 

About the infrastructure of the faculty, they are not totally good, so in that sense there is a lack of progress and solutions that are being discussed in this situation of the university, like the casinos available or heating. 

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2022

time travel

Between a travel to the past or a travel to the future I choose the past, because if I know things or situations that have not happened yet I would have a lor of anxiety or fear and would lose the emotion for life. I think that I am very curious and I love the stories of people the peple, so if I go to the past, I would be like a secret investigator of Santiago: I have seen many videos and short documentaries that I would like to discover when were made, also see my grandmother childhood, follow the love stories of the neighbors that I had as a child or the couples that I see in transport, meet artists who died, help people victims of the dictatorship in Chile. 

Those are some of the things that I would do, without intervening in the process of the situations. But, although of that makes me feel sad to think in a lot of things with the power to travel to the past —because I think that I have a many abilities and desire to want to do many things— I would stay here, in the present, for a simple reason: this is my life and I like to experiment whit this and I am grateful of several situations, people and the person that I am today.

winter holidays

there is little time left for the winter holidays to start and there are many places I could visit, I do not have many plans but I have thou...