miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022

a wonderful country


Well, if I think in the countrys of the world, I would like go to Brazil for a simple reason... I love bossa nova —and the languageand I think that the landscapes of this country are beautiful and uniques —I enjoy a lot take photos, so this is perfect to my hobby—. Maybe, in the future I would study there. I've been thinking because I would like to study a second carreer relatod to cinema or any profession that had music and videos or images. Also, i know that is a pour country, so i would like to make visible this situations —with cinema or psychology or both—, I discovered this with the movie "City of God". 
Today, i would like to stay in Brazil for practice my portuguese and meet new places, i will do a lot of things like talk to people about culture and secret locations... go to concerts, and  walk to anywhere for find a treasure. 
I will be honest, I don't know much about Brazil but I think that is a magic country with a lot of things to say. 


winter holidays

there is little time left for the winter holidays to start and there are many places I could visit, I do not have many plans but I have thou...